
I’m Dr. Vernon — a police and public safety psychologist licensed in Virginia.

You have unique needs. You know not everyone “gets it”. You got into this profession to help others, I want to help you.

Casual portrait of Dr Amber Vernon

About Dr. Amber Vernon

I’ve worked closely with various public safety agencies in the Greater Richmond Area for over 10 years. My service has encompassed academy-based training, subject matter expert instruction, employment related evaluation (pre-hiring psychological evaluation and fitness for duty), critical incident response, and individual therapy for first responders. 

This work wasn’t always on my radar, but it makes sense to me now. My initial plan was to help folks who experienced trauma who had unique needs in both their identities and cultures (sound familiar?). I wanted to make services accessible to communities with unique needs, cultures and identities — especially those who had difficulty trusting mental health providers (again, sound familiar?). 

I am committed to building (and maintaining) bridges between people, experiences, and professions. I’ve directly experienced what can go wrong when professionals don’t “get it” and the powerful change that can happen when they do. 

Things to Know About Working With Me

I work with a wide range of first responders from dispatchers, to firefighters, to police, to emergency medical professionals, to those in correctional roles, to court personnel, and beyond. 

  • No matter the task, I am direct, engaging, and respectful — all while getting things done (and done well). 

  • I prioritize clear communication — this includes responsiveness to contact and timely status updates.

  • Maintaining your trust is important. I’d rather tell you “not yet” or “not at all” than proceed with services that are inappropriate.  

  • I apply best practices to your unique needs and collaborate to develop a plan with your priorities in mind.

Alphabet Soup (aka “Credentials”)

I am a licensed psychologist (PsyD) in Virginia and a Certified First Responder Clinician (CFRC). I am a member of the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police (VACP), the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), and the Society for Police and Criminal Psychology (SPCP). I am an active Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) instructor, certified in Critical Incident Stress Management and De-Briefing (CISM/CISD) and a volunteer with the Virginia Law Enforcement Assistance Program (VALEAP). 

Learn more about my pre-hire evaluations, fitness for duty evaluations, and therapy for first responders in Virginia.

Therapy for First Responders

Fitness for Duty Evaluation

Pre-Hire Psychological Evaluations

Next Steps

How can I help you? Call (804) 404-3233 or email amber@vernonpsyd.com to schedule a free 15-minute consultation and find out! You can also learn more about working with me for employment evaluations by visiting my specialty pages pre-hire evaluations, fitness for duty evaluations, and therapy for first responders in Virginia.